I received the following question from an expectant new mother:
Hello! My husband and I are expecting our first baby. We don’t know what we’re having. I just started researching Pediatricians in our area and came across your name on a number of review sites.
Everything looks good as I just started my 3rd trimester. We are delivering in Royal Oak Beaumont but want to find our baby’s doctor closer to home — West Bloomfield. Not sure when I should make an appointment or how this works. Please advise 🙂
Thank you Kindly,
Hi K.,
While you still have time before delivery, you should meet with potential candidates for a pediatrician for your baby. We offer these visits for free, you just need to call our office and schedule a “new mom consult”. Your husband is welcome to accompany you to the visit. Our practice is located in Novi and West Bloomfield and we make newborn rounds at Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital, so it looks like a perfect fit. However you may want to visit other pediatric offices as well.
Thank you for your interest and good luck!
Anna Strumba